速報APP / 音樂與音效 / FLK Lachnit Control

FLK Lachnit Control


檔案大小:16.4 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.4 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

FLK Lachnit Control(圖1)-速報App

Optional operation of your Lachnit FLK Keyboards.

FLK Lachnit Control(圖2)-速報App

Create, edit and save your own Setups.

FLK Lachnit Control(圖3)-速報App

Your can use this app even without being connected to your Lachnit FLK Keyboard.

FLK Lachnit Control(圖4)-速報App

Your Lachnit is in the rehearsal room, in the trunk of the car, or not available right now. You are on a train, sitting in a coffe shop, or at home and prepare your Lachnit for your next rehearsal, the next Gig.

FLK Lachnit Control(圖5)-速報App

On site you copy your settings with a single tip of your finger onto the Keyboard. This also works the other way around. Settings made on the Keyboard are being transferred onto your smartphone and can be saved.

FLK Lachnit Control(圖6)-速報App

FLK Lachnit Control(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad